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Fig. 2 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 2

From: An evaluation of an open access iPSC training course: “How to model interstitial lung disease using patient-derived iPSCs”

Fig. 2

Analysis of training course attendees. A Previous laboratory-based experience in cell culture in the Hands-on (n = 16) and the Observer group (n = 10) based on survey results. B Gender distribution of all attending trainees in the Hands-on (n = 16) and Observer group (n = 15) based on inscription data. C Professional distribution of the trainees in the Hands-on and Observer group in %. (n = 26; 12 Researcher, 14 Clinicians) based on survey results. D Age distribution (< 40 years of > 40 years) of trainees in the Hands-on and Observer group in % (n = 26; 23 < 40, 3 > 40) based on survey results

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