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Table 1 In vivo outcomes of wound healing augmented by mesenchymal stem cell therapy

From: Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for attenuation of scar formation during wound healing

Experimental details

Accelerated wound closure

Improved tissue strength

Prevented chronic ulceration

Improved visual appearance


Murine MSC conditioned medium

Topical delivery

Splinted excisional wounds in mice




Allogenic and syngenic murine MSCs

Injection into the wound

Excisional wounds in mice




Murine MSCs

Injection into the wound

Excisional wounds in db/db mice






Rat ASCs

Injection into the wound

Excisional wounds in diabetic rats






Murine MSCs

Injection into the wound margin

Splinted excisional wounds in db/db mice






Human MSCs

Injection into wound

Incisional wounds in rabbits






Human V53/2 MSC cell line

Seeded on collagen scaffolds

Splinted excisional wounds in mice





Human MSCs

Incorporated in fibrin spray

Chronic and acute wounds in humans






Swine MSCs

Injection into the wound

Thermal wounds in mini pigs





Murine MSCs

Systemic injection

Excisional wounds in mice




Rat MSCs

Systemic injection

Excisional wounds in rats





  1. ASC, adipose-derived stem cell; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell.