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Fig. 7 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 7

From: Curcumin-mediated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell sheets create a favorable immune microenvironment for adult full-thickness cutaneous wound healing

Fig. 7

CS-C accelerated M2 macrophage polarization. a Immunofluorescence staining of Relmα in the control, BMSC sheets induced without curcumin (CS-N), and BMSC sheets induced by curcumin (CS-C) groups at 14, 21, and 28 days after treatment. Red and blue represent Relmα and nuclei, respectively (20×, 100 μm) (n = 4 mice/group). b Quantification of the Relmα intensity. c Expression levels of Tgfβ and IL1RN by RT-PCR at 14 days post-operation (n = 5 mice/group). d Immunofluorescence staining of Tgfβ+ (top panels) and IL1RN+ (bottom panels) cells in the three groups at 14 days post-operation. Red represents Tgfβ and IL1RN, and blue represents nuclei (20×, 100 μm) (n = 4 mice/group). e M2 signature gene expression during the whole experimental period for the control, CS-N, and CS-C groups. Expression levels of Relmα and Arg1 (signature genes of M2 macrophages) and IL4 and Jag2 (signature genes of TH2 cells) by RT-PCR at 14 (f), 21 (g), and 28 days (h) after transplantation with saline, CS-N, and CS-C (n = 5 mice/group). ANOVA: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. ns not significant

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