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Fig. 2 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 2

From: Attenuation of teratoma formation by p27 overexpression in induced pluripotent stem cells

Fig. 2

The cell cycle of p27 overexpressing mESCs. a Schematic representation of the cell cycle sensor, Fucci. Expression of mVenus-hGeminin can be seen during S to M phases. b–e Images of phase contrast (b), mVenus (c), mRFP (d), and merge of mVenus and mRFP (e) of p27-2A-mRFP transfected mESCs stably expressing mVenus-hGeminin. f Profiles of fluorescent intensities of mVenus-hGeminin in p27-2A-mRFP expressing (black bars) and nonexpressing (white bars) mESCs. g Averaged fluorescent intensities of mVenus-hGeminin in p27-2A-mRFP expressing and nonexpressing mESCs. Error bars correspond to the SEM (n = 3). **P < 0.01, student’s t-test. h Flow cytometry data of DAPI stained miPSCs (left) and miPSCs-p27 (right). i Populations of each phase of cell cycle in miPSCs and miPSCs-p27. White bars show G1, gray bars show S, and dark gray bars show G2 phases. Error bars correspond to the SEM (n = 3). miPSC mouse induced pluripotent stem cell, miPSCs-p27 p27 overexpressing mouse induced pluripotent stem cells, RFP red fluorescent protein

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