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Table 1 Demographic data of the 131 donors

From: Prospective purification of perivascular presumptive mesenchymal stem cells from human adipose tissue: process optimization and cell population metrics across a large cohort of diverse demographics

Demographic data (n = 131)


Female = 112


Male = 19

Age (years)

Mean = 41 (range 22–64)

BMI (kg/m2)

Mean = 26.5 (range 19–43)

SVF (cells × 106)

Mean = 34.4 (range 4.7–120)

Viability (%)

Mean = 83 % (range 36–99)

Pericytes (%)

Mean = 8 % (range 0–55)

Adventitial cells (%)

Mean = 33.0 % (range 3–72)

PSC total (%)

Mean = 41 % (range 6–78)

PSC yield (cells × 106)

Mean = 11.6 (range 1.1–47.2)

  1. BMI body mass index, PSC perivascular stem cell, SVF stromal vascular fraction