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Table 1 MSC trophic activities relevant to musculoskeletal therapy: mechanistic insights from in-vitro and host tissue studies

From: Secreted trophic factors of mesenchymal stem cells support neurovascular and musculoskeletal therapies

System and reference

In vitro/host

Cell sources

Observed trophic activity

Mechanistic insights

Angiogenesis [84]


Human BM-MSCs; UCB-ECs

MSCs encouraged EC migration, proliferation, and tubule formation

GHK (osteonectin peptide) induces MSC-VEGF secretion

Angiogenesis [81]


Human BM-MSCs (commercial); microvascular ECs

MSC culture on stiff, fibronectin-coated surfaces encouraged EC spreading/tubule formation

Actomyosin contractility increased MSC expression of proangiogenic factors (angiogenin, VEGF, and IGF)

Angiogenesis [105]


Human BM-MSCs (commercial); UV-ECs

EC-MSC coculture increased MSC-myogenic and EC-PLAU, EC-FGF, and EC-NF-kB-regulated gene expression

• MSC IL-1β and IL-6 regulate EC NF-kB target genes, including P-selectin, CCL23, and CXCL2/3

• EC TGF-β1/3 may regulate MSC myogenic differentiation

Angiogenesis [107]


Human BM-MSCs (commercial); UV-ECs

• IV: EC-MSC (vs EC) cultures on degradable scaffolds expressed higher perivascular markers

IV: cocultures upregulated VEGF and ANG1 while downregulating ANG2

• Host angiogenic and perivascular markers, except vessel diameter and density, were equivalent between EC/MSC-EC implants

Angiogenesis [73]


Human iMSCs (medium change of iPSCs); UV-ECs

• iMSC exosomes promoted EC migration, proliferation, and dose-dependent tubule formation (IV)

iMSCs induced EC expression of proangiogenic molecules, including VEGF, TGF-β1, and ANG1

• Exosome treatment correlated with modest functional improvement, better perfusion and tissue damage scores, increased CD31/CD34+ cells

Angiogenesis (hindlimb ischemia) [22]


Mouse AD-MSCs (plastic adherence); BM-MSCs (plastic adherence); BM-iMSCs (immunodepletion)

• BM-MSCs maximally decreased inflammatory cell invasion

IV: BM-MSCs expressed the highest levels of tested chemokines, vessel stabilizing, and matrix-remodeling factors

• MSCs were associated with smaller lesions, more mature neovascularization, and increased perfusion

Neurovascular system (fibrin conduit, resection) [116]


Human AD-MSCs (plastic adherence); DRG; UV-EC

• Medium cocktail-stimulated MSCs enhanced DRG neurite extension and EC-tubule formation

Stimulated MSCs produced increased VEGF, ANG1, NGF, BDNF, and GDNF

• Stimulated and unstimulated MSCs encouraged neurite extension

Neurogenesis [167]


Rat BM-MSCs (plastic adherence)

Spinal cord tissue–MSC coculture supported neurite outgrowth

Cocultured MSCs produced NGF, BDNF, and GDNF, maximally supporting neurite extension

Neurogenesis (spinal nerve ligation) [123]


Rat BM-MSCs (commercial)

MSC-treated rats displayed decreased hyperalgesia and increased pain threshold

TUBB3, GFAP, and αSMA and STRO1+ MSCs engrafted into DRGs

Neurogenesis (sciatic crush) [124]


Human AD-MSCs and AM-MSCs (commercial)

• AM-MSC-treated groups exhibited higher recovery, coordination, and perfusion scores (4 weeks)

Nerves injected with AM-MSCs versus AD-MSCs or PBS produced more ANG1, FGF1, IGF1, and VEGFA

• MSCs localized in the epineurium and perivascular area

Distraction Osteogenesis (DO) [59]


Human BM-MSCs (commercial)

• MSC and MSC-CM accelerated DO healing

• IV: IL-3/IL-6/CCL5/SDF1 recruited mononuclear cells, contributed to enhanced mineralization

• MSC-CM recruited more vessels

• MCP1/MCP3 but not SDF1 were critical for SC-CM osteogenic activity

Osteogenesis [168]


Human AD-MSCs and BM-MSCs; UCB-ECs

• MSC-EC cotransplantation increased MSC engraftment

PDGFBB/PDGFRβ receptor activity regulates MSC engraftment and differentiation in the presence of ECs

• Cotransplantation restricted MSC multipotency, enhanced MSC source-related differentiation abilities, and maintained MSC proliferation capacity

Osteoporosis (lupus associated) [60]


Human BM-MSCs and DP-MSCs

• MSC injections improved osteoporosis-related bone scores

IL-17 removal following MSC injection maintains osteoclast immaturity

• MSCs lowered osteoclast differentiation (IV)

Osteogenesis [169]


Rat BM-MSCs (centrifugation and plastic adherence)

Fibrin-loaded MSC recruited host macrophages to fill long bone defect by 4 weeks

Implanted MSCs increased early expression of VEGF and decreased later expression of CD45, IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-10

Osteogenesis, chondrogenesis, angiogenesis [170]


Human BM-MSCs (density gradient) and human embryonic stem cell MSCs (medium/substrate changes); human aortic ECs

MSC-EC cocultures proliferated and exhibited higher expression of mesenchymal differentiation transcription factors

EC-produced ET1 activates MSC AKT, driving osteogenic and chondrogenic capacities

Chondrogenesis [95]


Human BM-MSCs (density gradient)

• MSCs and/or chondrocytes in fibrin gels exhibited superior mechanical properties to those cultured with OA cartilage explants

IL-1β and IL-6 decreased COL production versus control cultures, except in chondrogenic cultures at longer culture times (4 weeks)

• COLI/II/III production reduced in OA cartilage–MSC or chondrocyte–MSC cocultures

Chondrogenesis [93]


Human BM-MSCs; Human OA primary chondrocytes; bovine primary chondrocytes

FGF1 caused chondrocyte proliferation

• FGF1 was concentrated in places where MSCs contacted chondrocytes

Tenogenesis (enzymatic lesion) [152]


Horse AD-MSCs

Lesions were smaller, more vascularized, and less cellular when treated with platelet concentrate-injected MSCs

• Greater amount of RNA was recovered from the MSC-treated group

• No difference in anabolic and tendon-specific gene expression observed

Musculogenesis (dystrophin/utrophin) [135]


Mouse quickly and slowly adhering MSCs (non-myogenic nmMSCs and MPCs), dKO)

• dKO-MPC-dKO-nmMSC co-culture decreased global myogenic markers

Soluble frizzled-related protein-1 and active β-catenin encouraged nonmyogenic differentiation of dKO-nmMSCs in gastrocnemius tissues

• dKO vs. WT-nmMSCs differentiated more efficiently along osteogenic and adipogenic lines with donor age

Musculogenesis (myofibroblast proliferation) [138]


Human AD-MSCs and BM-MSCs (commercial); Dupuytren’s disease-derived myofibroblast (DDMF)

• AD-MSCs (similar to normal skin-derived fibroblasts) decreased while BM-MSCs increased DDMF co-culture contractility

AD-MSC/myofibroblast cocultures exhibited decreased COLI and αSMA

• AD-/BM-MSCs inhibited myofibroblast proliferation

• AD-MSC effects were strongest with direct or indirect contact

Musculogenesis (dystrophin) [160]


Human (STRO1+) DP-MSCs; human (c-Kit+) amniotic fluid MSCs

• MSCs differentiated in the presence of C2C12-formed myotubes (IV)

Demethylation was critical for IV myogenic differentiation

• MSCs differentiated most efficiently with C2C12-CM

• All differentiated MSCs engrafted and improved muscle histology

Musculogenesis [137]


Mouse BM-MSCs (centrifugation and plastic adherence)

MSC-CM stimulated myoblast and satellite cell proliferation and migration, activated satellite cells, inhibited myofibroblast differentiation

MSC MMP-2/9 and TIMP-1/2 support myogenic differentiation

  1. AD, adipose-derived, AM amniotic membrane, BM, bone marrow, CM conditioned medium, dKO double knockout, DP dental pulp, DRG dorsal root ganglia, EC endothelial cell, iMSCs MSCs generated from induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines via medium change, IV in vitro, MMP matrix metalloproteinase, MPC multipotent cell, MSC mesenchymal stem cell, SC stem cell, TIMP tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase, UCB umbilical cord blood, UV umbilical vein