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Table 2 Summary of previous and current reports for comparison of synovial MSCs between RA and OA patients

From: Yields and chondrogenic potential of primary synovial mesenchymal stem cells are comparable between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients


Jones [15]

Skalska [17]

Koizumi [18]


Sample number

RA (n = 45)

OA (n = 11)

RA (n = 24)

OA (n = 18)

RA (n = 13)

OA (n = 6)

RA (n = 8)

OA (n = 8)

RA synovium collection method

Biopsy with arthroscopy


TKA, arthroplasty for forefoot, synovectomy for hand


Passage number for analysis

Passage 3

Passage 4

Passage 2–4

Passage 0

Comparison between RA and OA

Surface epitopes: similar

Surface epitopes: similar

Gene expression: similar

Nucleated cell number: similar

Chondro: RA < OA

Chondro: similar

In vitro and in vivo

Yields: similar

Chondro: similar

Surface epitopes: similar

Chondro: similar



0.5–8 (mg/dl)

0–0.3 (mg/dl)

0–6 (mg/dl)

  1. RA rheumatoid arthritis, OA osteoarthritis, TKA total knee arthroplasty, Chondro chondrogenesis, CRP C-reactive protein