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Table 1 Characteristics of patients and donors

From: DNA methylation dynamic of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells after allogeneic transplantation


Total patients, n


Sex, male, n (%)

3 (30%)

Age, mean (range) yr.

34 (17–57)


 AML, n (%)

6 (60%)

 ALL, n (%)

3 (30%)

 HL, n (%)

1 (10%)

Conditioning regimen

 Myeloablative, n (%)

9 (90%)

 Reduced Intensity Conditioning, n (%)

1 (10%)


 Complete, n (%)

9 (90%)

 Mixed, n (%)

1 (10%)

4-years survival, n (%)

8 (80%)

Donor sex, male, n (%)

6 (60%)

Donor sex, female, n (%)

4 (40%)

Donor age, mean (range)

33 (14–52)

Stem cell source (%)

 BM, n (%)

10 (100%)

Donor type

 Matched sibling, n (%)

4 (40%)

 Matched unrelated, n (%)

3 (30%)

 Mismatched haploidentical, n (%)

3 (30%)