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Table 1 MSCs treatment for influenza virus induced lung injury in vitro

From: Stem cell therapy: a potential approach for treatment of influenza virus and coronavirus-induced acute lung injury

Cell sources

Passage number

Influenza virus

Cell models

Biological effect

Human BM MSCs

Not reported


Alveolar epithelial cells

Coculture with MSCs reduces AFC, APP, proinflammatory cytokine responses and prevents down-regulated sodium and chloride transporters [32].

Human UC MSCs



Alveolar epithelial cells

UC-MSCs correct impaired AFC, APP and restore ion transporters. They also regulate inflammatory responses [34].

Human UC MSCs derived CM



Alveolar epithelial cells

CM from UC-MSCs restores impaired AFC and APP [34].

Human UC MSCs derived EVs



Alveolar epithelial cells

UC-MSC exosomes restore impaired AFC and APP [34].

Swine BM MSCs derived EVs



Lung epithelial cells

MSC-EVs inhibited influenza virus replication and virus-induced apoptosis in lung epithelial cells [35].

Human BM MSCs


Influenza virus

CD8+ T cells

MSCs inhibited proliferation of virus-specificCD8+ T cells and the release of IFN-γ by specific CD8+ T cells [36].

  1. MSCs mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, BM bone marrow, UC umbilical cord, AFC alveolar fluid clearance, EVs extracellular vesicles, IFN-γ interferon γ, APP alveolar protein permeability, CM conditioned medium