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Fig. 3 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: Generation of myogenic progenitor cell-derived smooth muscle cells for sphincter regeneration

Fig. 3

Change in the gene expression of MPC and MSC during SMC differentiation. Changes in the gene expression were assessed by microarray analysis of RNA isolated from MSC, MPC, MSC-SMC, and MPC-SMC. Cells derived from two individual human muscle biopsies were cultivated in growth (MSC and MPC) or smooth muscle differentiation medium (MSC-SMC and MPC-SMC) for 6 days, respectively. a Hierarchical clustering (Euclidean distance) of Log2 fold changes of smooth muscle-associated genes in MSC vs MSC-SMC (MSC) and MPC vs MPC-SMC (MPC). The cluster of genes similarly b upregulated or c downregulated in both MSC and MPC upon SMC differentiation obtained by k-means clustering. *Genes which in both cell types were either log2 FC ≥ 1 or log2 FC ≤ − 1 up- or downregulated. d Percent of tested genes calculated to be upregulated or downregulated during MSC to MSC-SMC or MPC to MPC-SMC differentiation. Statistical comparison was performed by chi-squared test considering a p value below 0.05 as significant

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