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Fig. 6 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 6

From: Cutaneous wound healing: canine allogeneic ASC therapy

Fig. 6

Histopathology of acute wound healing in control and ASC-treated skin wounds at 7 days post-treatment. a Representative photomicrographs demonstrate the histological characteristics of acute healing. H&E staining (bar length = 50 μm) (1 and 4), 200 μm (2 and 5), and 100 μm (3 and 6). (1–3) Control; (4–6) ASC-treated. H, hyperplasia; O, orthokeratosis; P, parakeratosis; Fb, fibrosis; MII, mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate; F, fibroblast; HF, hair follicles; C, collagen fibers. b Criteria for histological appearances in acute wounds with conventional treatment and ASC treatment. “-” and “+” = mild, “++” and “+++” = moderate, and “++++” = marked

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