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Table 1 PICOS criteria and Cochrane Risk of bias in included Trails

From: Safety, efficacy and biomarkers analysis of mesenchymal stromal cells therapy in ARDS: a systematic review and meta-analysis based on phase I and II RCTs





Study types

PICOS criteria

Patients with Berlin criteria-defined ARDS, Age > 18 years, not animals

MSCs/MSC, Progenitor cell, mesenchymal stem cell, mesenchymal stromal cell, stem cell


Subjects with Adverse events (AEs), subjects with Serious Adverse events (SAEs), mortality, PaO2/FiO2, Biomarkers

randomized controlled trials (RCT), blind or not


Randomization method

Allocation concealment


Incomplete outcome data

Selective reporting

Other bias

Participants and personnel


Cochrane Risk of bias in included Trails

Monsel et al. [22]

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Bellingan et al. [21]

Low risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Low risk

High risk

Lanzoni et al. [20]

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Matthay et al. [19]

Low risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Low risk

High risk

Zheng et al. [18]

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk