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Table 1 Inclusion criteria and search strategy

From: Targeting ovarian cancer stem cells: a new way out

Inclusion criteria

• Written in English

• Articles that included study of both OC and CSCs in therapeutic aspect

• Study date 2000 to 2022

Exclusion criteria

Review articles, case reports, conference reports, letters, editorial comments, opinions and non-English articles; studies of benign diseases, studies referring only to CSCs

Search strategy in PubMed

(("Ovarian Neoplasms" [Mesh]) OR ((((((((((((((((Neoplasm, Ovarian [Title/Abstract]) OR (Ovarian Neoplasm [Title/Abstract])) OR (Ovary Neoplasms [Title/Abstract])) OR (Neoplasm, Ovary [Title/Abstract])) OR (Neoplasms, Ovary [Title/Abstract])) OR (Ovary Neoplasm [Title/Abstract])) OR (Neoplasms, Ovarian [Title/Abstract])) OR (Ovary Cancer [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cancer, Ovary [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cancers, Ovary [Title/Abstract])) OR (Ovarian Cancer [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cancer, Ovarian [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cancers, Ovarian [Title/Abstract])) OR (Ovarian Cancers [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cancer of Ovary [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cancer of the Ovary [Title/Abstract]))) AND (("Stem Cells" [Mesh]) OR (((((((((((((((Cell, Stem [Title/Abstract]) OR (Cells, Stem [Title/Abstract])) OR (Stem Cell [Title/Abstract])) OR (Progenitor Cells [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cell, Progenitor [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cells, Progenitor [Title/Abstract])) OR (Progenitor Cell [Title/Abstract])) OR (Mother Cells [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cell, Mother [Title/Abstract])) OR (Cells, Mother [Title/Abstract])) OR (Mother Cell [Title/Abstract])) OR (Colony-Forming Unit [Title/Abstract])) OR (Colony Forming Unit [Title/Abstract])) OR (Colony-Forming Units [Title/Abstract])) OR (Colony Forming Units [Title/Abstract])))