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Table 1 Publications citing one or more of the four publications that describe the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele by the group that generated it

From: Pax7 haploinsufficiency impairs muscle stem cell function in Cre-recombinase mice and underscores the importance of appropriate controls


PMID numbers of publications

Publications in which the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele is not used (e.g., the Lepper et al. or Lepper & Fan publications are cited in the introduction or discussion sections)

20118923, 23728463, 26328519, 26999737, 30097922, 32966776, 33222146, 33895984, 34481290, 19835858, 19920078, 20144785, 20175910, 20181926, 20442248, 20483998, 20605921, 20841498, 20887952, 21270051, 21374762, 21464233, 21478154, 21609392, 21645366, 21828091, 21828094, 21931825, 21946848, 21988915, 21989910, 22037676, 22045613, 22076929, 22096526, 22130829, 22130844, 22159413, 22203957, 22216009, 22266944, 22302939, 22371254, 22385659, 22439962, 22470452, 22490927, 22493066, 22523551, 22537489, 22546853, 22564549, 22609161, 22662253, 22692546, 22730231, 22848431, 22863532, 22887880, 22895262, 22905258, 22945933, 23021218, 23038772, 23046558, 23070814, 23149873, 23154418, 23166781, 23247248, 23336007, 23349935, 23395168, 23464362, 23485971, 23499423, 23505517, 23517218, 23527126, 23554995, 23569214, 23619364, 23631552, 23639729, 23671652, 23700507, 23743995, 23774280, 23781029, 23791730, 23818608, 23840772, 23911934, 23922277, 23954233, 24055173, 24067916, 24092696, 24150075, 24170859, 24336075, 24375410, 24376025, 24439384, 24524008, 24531379, 24587351, 24647690, 24678443, 24687582, 24703692, 24706792, 24709624, 24715455, 24743741, 24753152, 24844572, 24844636, 24883236, 24898588, 24906148, 24940559, 25068087, 25103976, 25157816, 25194572, 25197048, 25241745, 25281303, 25376879, 25410765, 25414242, 25487404, 25501907, 25520397, 25543153, 25578880, 25671422, 25706128, 25750654, 25848030, 25866834, 25869487, 25878030, 25960061, 25971691, 26028225, 26042028, 26090310, 26151913, 26157009, 26178867, 26230763, 26278933, 26304770, 26312504, 26317052, 26333785, 26379543, 26384382, 26413555, 26447161, 26457071, 26491708, 26494623, 26503169, 26510925, 26526875, 26579218, 26607845, 26625958, 26649785, 26666572, 26679610, 26721734, 26739770, 26743565, 26784637, 26796754, 26807982, 26839378, 26876562, 26904948, 26923583, 26949601, 26949720, 27138650, 27144473, 27144531, 27159388, 27193340, 27239402, 27239431, 27303309, 27343167, 27349181, 27350317, 27446912, 27452271, 27452471, 27531927, 27583644, 27589388, 27628322, 27644105, 27690836, 27699827, 27725085, 27765651, 27768064, 27826411, 27849571, 27854222, 27922824, 27923399, 27927611, 27932789, 27965322, 28025671, 28096434, 28169594, 28173861, 28174253, 28279710, 28287512, 28344332, 28369879, 28400501, 28417015, 28498863, 28599679, 28605361, 28615691, 28693603, 28698658, 28701357, 28714082, 28721121, 28735515, 28736900, 28833130, 28855574, 28874575, 28885620, 28887016, 28935952, 28939843, 28943254, 29017757, 29030619, 29031720, 29040321, 29041952, 29073096, 29075589, 29115986, 29116170, 29127611, 29231808, 29291980, 29293645, 29302341, 29315567, 29324825, 29329332, 29337118, 29337929, 29444710, 29463296, 29476012, 29523096, 29523805, 29540680, 29557384, 29581096, 29641992, 29674978, 29681515, 29694232, 29706500, 29731431, 29733324, 29800621, 29849047, 29881353, 29892004, 29896117, 29906337, 29973273, 29991029, 30016973, 30045918, 30054310, 30062184, 30081710, 30116776, 30139374, 30139390, 30177888, 30202063, 30300394, 30305290, 30367407, 30368256, 30370532, 30382921, 30404653, 30414844, 30416048, 30501636, 30510196, 30524716, 30526691, 30537304, 30548460, 30577454, 30581652, 30648479, 30683662, 30733760, 30753815, 30862660, 30867438, 30872480, 30916493, 30949196, 30972959, 30982893, 31006621, 31006622, 31021652, 31091443, 31093982, 31160583, 31187089, 31191361, 31242425, 31268301, 31325224, 31366088, 31474563, 31513447, 31518419, 31578935, 31661460, 31699935, 31710288, 31719873, 31724771, 31809738, 31852888, 31909353, 31915055, 31931473, 31947603, 31991048, 32011372, 32019766, 32025579, 32116540, 32123818, 32130242, 32204424, 32273524, 32283390, 32361680, 32390569, 32391357, 32393776, 32413092, 32414934, 32478048, 32523512, 32541004, 32552916, 32613162, 32678274, 32708412, 32762770, 32763161, 32851730, 32905522, 32943091, 32980698, 33036659, 33047485, 33081771, 33083017, 33102913, 33125370, 33126429, 33170806, 33244887, 33372732, 33374379, 33377052, 33473298, 33551852, 33602287, 33641201, 33664851, 33664851, 33732701, 33800595, 33805924, 33848270, 33864373, 33916485, 33941806, 34059674, 34074531, 34083673, 34119711, 34218527, 34277616, 34319911, 34351905, 34383202, 34388363, 34413292, 34485607, 34535684, 34650976, 34676210, 34739848, 35326452, 35463471, 34334511, 34481290, 34560818, 34650038, 34676213, 34704386, 34750174, 34784301, 34940613, 35021050, 35023852, 35177647, 35323108, 35356683, 35380608, 35395625, 35574443, 34944549, 22562803, 32364045, 22290419, 23708921, 30852688, 31734897 (Total: 451 publications)

Publications in which the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele was used for lineage tracing rather than conditional knock-out

33131406, 20641127, 22869749, 23760954, 25133429, 26686466, 27918914, 28218909, 29091764, 29643389, 31545169 (Total: 11 publications)

Publications in which the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele was used for conditional knock-out and there is no control or ambiguous control

27548913, 25761890, 32433961, 24239359, 24276242, 25503558, 25636474, 29156133 (also used for lineage tracing) (Total: 8 publications)

Publications in which the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele was used for conditional knock-out and the control is Pax7+/+

22279050, 23079662, 23582327, 23933088, 24065826, 24591619, 25069613, 25205686, 26304725, 26453297, 26603188, 26648529, 27594590, 27743478, 27880908, 28094257, 28232488, 28694257, 28790171, 29371665, 29581287, 29882512, 30283903, 31012848, 31277245, 31693883, 32310830, 32822588, 33328166, 34108202, 35342888 (Total: 31 publications)

Publications in which the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele was used for conditional knock-out and the control is Pax7CreERT2/+

19554048, 21828092, 24084740 (with the exception of supplementary Fig. 12, in which the control is Pax7+/+), 24260586 , 24906372, 25085416, 25973951, 26999603, 27239264, 27346341, 27376575, 27376579, 27825107, 28186492, 28332979, 28463680, 28515121, 29395054, 30279563, 30979776, 31534153, 32021964, 32103583, 32240622, 32275813, 34093712, 34350830, 35228746, 35243267 (Total: 29 publications)

Publications in which the Pax7CreERT2(Fan) allele was used for conditional knock-out and there are two controls: Pax7CreERT2/+ and Pax7+/+

29269426, 29472596, 30284969 (Total: 3 publications)