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Fig. 3 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: Efficient expansion and delayed senescence of hUC-MSCs by microcarrier–bioreactor system

Fig. 3

Changes in surface marker expression of hUC-MSCs in planar culture versus bioreactor culture. Surface labeling of hUC-MSCs was characterized using FACS analysis. A Negative cell markers of BioR3 (CD19, HLA-DR). B Positive cell markers of BioR3 (CD29, CD73). C Positive cellular markers of BioR3 (CD90 and CD105). D Negative cell markers for P12 (CD19, HLA-DR). E Positive cell markers for P12 (CD29, CD73). F Positive cellular markers of P12 (CD90 and CD105). Red indicates negative versus ISO, and blue indicates the corresponding surface marker

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