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Fig. 3 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: The influence of inflammation on the characteristics of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) and tissue repair capability in a hepatic injury mouse model

Fig. 3

Effect of degree of inflammation on SVF/PSC yields. A HE staining and immunohistochemical staining of CD3 (T-cells), CD20 (B-cells) and CD68 (macrophages) were performed on infrapatellar fat pad tissue samples (n = 31; male = 20, female = 11). High: the IPFP tissues with high inflammation level (positive in CD3, CD20, and CD68 staining). Low: the IPFP tissues with low inflammation level (negative in CD3, CD20, and CD68 staining). Scale bar: 100 μm. B Bar chart showing the mean ± standard deviation for the CD34+ cells, CD146+ cells, and total number of ADMSCs isolated from the IPFP tissues with high and low inflammation levels. Statistically significant differences are indicated (*p < 0.05)

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