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Fig. 7 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 7

From: AMPK activator-treated human cardiac spheres enhance maturation and enable pathological modeling

Fig. 7

Metabolomics analysis identifies enhanced energy-related metabolic pathways in E10-treated hiPSC-CMs. A Three-dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) score plot based on metabolite abundance measured as ion peak intensities showing a significant separation between E10-treated and DMSO-treated hiPSC-CMs (n = 6 cultures). B Volcano plot illustrating discriminatory metabolites between E10-treated and DMSO-treated hiPSC-CMs. C Hierarchical clustering using the top 600 discriminatory features. D Enriched metabolic pathways using the 84 discriminatory metabolites. Significantly affected pathways were identified based on negative Log10 (P value < 0.05) and comprising of ≥ 3 metabolites per pathway. Comparison of E intermediates in glycolysis pathway, F lipoamide in TCA cycle, intermediates in carnitine shuttle including, G long-chain and H medium- or short-chain acyl-carnitines between E10-treated and DMSO-treated hiPSC-CMs. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 and ****P < 0.0001 (two-sided unpaired t-test)

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