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Fig. 6 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 6

From: COX6A2 deficiency leads to cardiac remodeling in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes

Fig. 6

COX6A2 knockout affects calcium activity in cardiomyocytes. A RNA-Seq was used to detect differentially expressed genes in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs. B KEGG analysis of pathway enrichment changes in KO hiPSC-CMs. C Ca2+ transient fluorescence patterns of WT and KO hiPSC-CMs were observed by confocal (Fluo-4 AM labeling). D Waveform plots of Ca2+ transients in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs. E Quantitative statistical plots of the Peak of Ca2+ transients in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs, which are decreased in KO hiPSC-CMs. F Quantitative statistical plots of the Time to Peak of Ca2+ transients in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs, which are increased in KO hiPSC-CMs. G Waveform plots of contractile force in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs, showing reduced frequency and intensity of contraction in KO hiPSC-CMs. H The quantitative statistical plot of contraction in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs showed reduced contractile intensity in KO hiPSC-CMs. I In the quantitative statistical plot of the time to peak in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs, the time to peak in KO hiPSC-CMs was longer than that in WT hiPSC-CMs. J Quantitative statistical plots of relaxation time in WT and KO hiPSC-CMs showed that KO hiPSC-CMs had significantly longer relaxation times. The results are presented as mean ± SD of 3 independent experiments. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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