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Fig. 5 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 5

From: The nuclei of human adult stem cells can move within the cell and generate cellular protrusions to contact other cells

Fig. 5

Tailed nuclei formation by two nuclear remodelling sequences. Time-lapse images show that first, a nuclear remodelling sequence occurs as the cell reshapes from a flat to a spherical morphology, positioning the nucleus in a peripheral position within the cell (white arrows). Next, the cell nucleus moves (green arrows) and undergoes a second nuclear sequence in which a tailed process in the nucleus is formed (yellow arrows). Finally, the tailed nucleus began to move within the hBM-MSC-derived intermediate cells (green arrows). Scale bar: 10 μm. The number at the top indicates the time since the time-lapse image began. Elapsed time is displayed in the format (hours:minutes)

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