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Fig. 4 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 4

From: Identifying Hmga2 preserving visual function by promoting a shift of Müller glia cell fate in mice with acute retinal injury

Fig. 4

Screening and identifying Hmga2 as an epigenetic regulator for Müller reprogramming process. a Workflow for screening the potential genes for MG reprogramming process among DEGs from bulk-RNA seq and scRNA seq. STRING Software, Gene Cards database and UniProt were used in screening. b UniProt database annotations for keywords of module 2. Line thickness represents the degree of data support; a minimum interaction score of 0.5 is needed. c Relative expression of screened 24 DEGs of module 2 in each group. The colors correspond to relative expression. Red framed 9 candidate regulators with log2 (fold change)   2 at 3dpi. d Representative whole-mount retina partial images with tdTomato and Hmga2 staining. Insets display the enlarged drawings of each fluorescent reporter (White Square). e Ratio of Hmga2 and tdTomato double-positive cells in control and SI-treated whole-mount retinas (n = 6). f Representative retinal section partial images of tdTomato, Hmga2 and DAPI staining. Insets display the enlarged drawings of each fluorescent reporter in tdTomato and Hmga2 (White Square). White solid arrows identify the double positive cells. White hollow arrows identify the Hmga2 positive and tdTomato negative cells in INL. White arrowheads indicate Hmga2 positive cells in GCL. g Ratio of Hmga2 and tdTomato double positive cells in each retinal section of control and SI-treated groups (n = 6). ONL Outer nuclear layer, INL Inner nuclear layer, GCL Ganglion cell layer. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA test was used in (e, g)

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