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Fig. 6 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 6

From: Identifying Hmga2 preserving visual function by promoting a shift of Müller glia cell fate in mice with acute retinal injury

Fig. 6

Hmga2 overexpressing in MG reduced MG gliosis and promoted MG to obtain cone’s marker. a Immunohistochemical labeling of GFAP and EGFP in the central retina of SI-treated and Hmga2-SI-treated groups at various time points. b Relative fluorescent intensity of GFAP protein in SI-treated and Hmga2-SI-treated retinas over time (n = 3). c Immunohistochemical labeling of Vimentin and EGFP in the central retina of SI-treated and Hmga2-SI-treated retinas at various time points. d Relative fluorescent intensity of Vimentin protein in SI-treated and Hmga2-SI-treated retinas over time (n = 3). e Immunohistochemical co-labeling of arrestin and EGFP in the central retina of SI-treated and Hmga2-SI-treated groups at various time points. Insets display the expression of each fluorescent reporter (White Square). White arrowheads identify the arrestin and EGFP double positive cells. Star marks identify the arrestin and EGFP double positive cells in ONL. f Ratio of arrestin and EGFP double positive MG in the retinas with SI treatment and Hmga2-SI treatment (n = 3). ONL Outer nuclear layer, INL Inner nuclear layer, GCL Ganglion cell layer. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, Unpaired t-test was used in (b, d, f)

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