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Fig. 6 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 6

From: Functional intestinal monolayers from organoids derived from human iPS cells for drug discovery research

Fig. 6

Comprehensive gene expression analysis in ELCs, ELC-org and ELC-org-mono. (A) The top 2000 most variable genes across all samples were visualized by heatmap and k-means clustering. Gene expression variation was calculated by Z-score, with magenta indicating an increase in expression compared to the mean across all samples, and green indicating a decrease in expression. (B) Enriched bubble chart of the top 14 GO pathways of enriched cluster A. The y-axis is the enriched pathway, and the x-axis is the −log 10 adjusted P-value. The bubble size represents the gene number. (C) A volcano plot comparing gene expression levels in the ELC-org-mono with those in the ELCs. (D) Enriched bubble chart of the top 10 up-regulated GO pathways of DEGs between the ELCs vs ELC-org-mono groups. The y-axis is the enriched pathway, and the x-axis is −log 10 adjusted P-value. The bubble size represents the gene number. (E) Enriched bubble chart of the top 10 down-regulated GO pathways of DEGs between the ELCs vs ELC-org-mono groups. The y-axis is the enriched pathway, and the x-axis is −log 10 adjusted P-value. The bubble size represents the gen number

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