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Fig. 3 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: A first-in-human clinical study of laparoscopic autologous myoblast sheet transplantation to prevent delayed perforation after duodenal endoscopic mucosal dissection

Fig. 3

Myoblast sheet transplantation after ESD in case 2. A: The closure of the mucosal defect with clipping was incomplete due to its large diameter. A protruding, thinned ulcerative base after incomplete clipping was seen. B: Two cell sheets were transplanted to fully cover the thinned duodenal wall after duodenal mobilization. C: Abdominal CT three days after transplantation showed a small air bubble at the dorsal side of the duodenum. Neither massive free air nor fluid collection was evident. D: The air bubble on abdominal CT had diminished by seven days after transplantation

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