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Call for Papers: Clinical and Preclinical Evidence in Regenerative Cardiology

Edited by: Armin Attar, MD, PhD, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Submission Status: Open until 15 April 2025

Call for Papers: Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSCs) and MSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Roles in Regenerative Medicine and Beyond

Edited by: Hongcui Cao, PhD, Zhejiang University, China
Submission Status: Open until 15 April 2025

Call for Papers: Clinical Trials in Regenerative Medicine and Their Challenges

Edited by: Akihiro Umezawa, PhD, National Research Institute for Child Health and Development, Japan
Submission Status: Open until 31 March 2025


  1. Authors: Faroogh Marofi, Roza Motavalli, Vladimir A. Safonov, Lakshmi Thangavelu, Alexei Valerievich Yumashev, Markov Alexander, Navid Shomali, Max Stanley Chartrand, Yashwant Pathak, Mostafa Jarahian, Sepideh Izadi, Ali Hassanzadeh, Naghmeh Shirafkan, Safa Tahmasebi and Farhad Motavalli Khiavi


Topical collection
Clinical and Preclinical Evidence in Regenerative Cardiology
Edited by Armin Attar

Topical collection
Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSCs) and MSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Roles in Regenerative Medicine and Beyond
Edited by Hongcui Cao

Topical collection
Clinical Trials in Regenerative Medicine and Their Challenges
Edited by Akihiro Umezawa


Topical collection
Stromal cells and progenitor cells for osteoarticular regeneration
Edited by Christian Jorgensen

Topical collection
Organoids and Tissue/Organ Chips
Edited by Albert J Banes and Rajashekhar Gangaraju


Thematic series
Adult stem cells in retinal diseases: where do we go from here?
Edited by Rajashekhar Gangaraju

Thematic series
Stem cell therapy of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases 
Edited by Hong-Long James Ji, Michael A. Matthay and Yuanlin Song

Thematic series
NK cells as the next option for cancer treatment 
Edited by Michael O'Dwyer


Cross-journal collection
Coronavirus research highlights

Thematic series
Stem cells and gene editing
Edited by Stephen H. Tsang


Cross-journal collection
Pluripotent Stem Cells


Thematic series
Regenerative neurology
Edited by Simon Koblar and Anne Hamilton-Bruce


Thematic series
Extracellular vesicles and regenerative medicine
Edited by Jeffrey Karp, Kelvin Ng and Armand Keating

Cross-journal collection
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells – an update
Edited by Richard Schäfer and Selim Kuci

Cross-journal collection
Biology and clinical applications of stem cells for autoimmune and musculoskeletal disorders
Edited by Christian Jorgensen and Anthony Hollander


Thematic series
Functional imaging in regenerative medicine
Edited by Timothy O'Brien and Rocky Tuan

Thematic series
Emerging investigators
Edited by Timothy O'Brien and Rocky Tuan

Thematic series
Stem cells and genitourinary regeneration
Edited by John D Jackson


Thematic series
Cardiovascular regeneration
Edited by Ronald Li


Thematic series
Physical influences on stem cells
Edited by Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic

Thematic series
Stem cell research in the Asia-Pacific
Edited by Oscar Lee, Songtao Shi, Yufang Shi and Ying Jin

Thematic series
Clinical applications of stem cells
Edited by Mahendra Rao


Review series
Immunology and stem cells
Edited by Christian Jorgensen

Review series
Epigenetics and regulation

Review series
Stem cell niche


Review series
Induced pluripotent stem cells

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Stem Cell Research & Therapy: 10th Anniversary

To mark the 10th year anniversary, we have reviewed the milestone achievements and highlighted some of the best content selected by our Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors. Read more here.


Rocky S Tuan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China 
Timothy O'Brien, University of Galway, Ireland: Prof Timothy O’Brien is the Established Professor of Medicine in the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway and Consultant Endocrinologist in University Hospital Galway. He established the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) with Prof Frank Barry in 2004 and is currently co-PI of the SFI-funded Centre for Research and Medical Devices (CÚRAM). Prof O’Brien’s research explores the synergies between gene therapy, stem/stromal cell therapy and biomaterials science with a key interest in the development of therapies for diabetic complications. The objective of his research is to translate research findings in the laboratory to clinical trials.

Journal submission information

Before you submit your manuscript to Stem Cell Research & Therapy, please ensure you have read and noted the below: 

  • Authors are requested to provide institutional email addresses. At the minimum, at least the corresponding author and submitting author should provide an institutional email address.
  • Image integrity and standards: Cropped gels and blots can be included in the main text if it improves the clarity and conciseness of the presentation. In such cases, the cropping of the blot must be clearly evident and must be mentioned in the figure legend. Corresponding uncropped full-length gels and blot must be included in the supplementary files. These uncropped images should indicate where they were cropped, be labelled as in the main text and placed in a single supplementary figure. The manuscript's figure legends should state that 'Full-length blots/gels are presented in Supplementary Figure X'. Further information can be found under 'Digital image integrity' which are detailed on our Standards of Reporting page.
  • Authors should clearly declare in the Acknowledgement Section if there is any work that was outsourced or data not collected by authors. 
  • Authors might be asked to provide original source data (raw data / original data / individual data points) if the reviewers or editors have any question.
  • Authors should provide these information in the ethics declaration if the study involve human participants, human material, human data, or animals: (1) Title of the approved project; (2) Name of the institutional approval committee or unit; (3) Approval number; (4) Date of approval. Authors might be asked to provide ethics approval documents if the reviewers or editors have any question. 

Aims and scope

Stem Cell Research & Therapy is the major forum for translational research into stem cell therapies. An international peer-reviewed journal, it publishes high-quality open access research articles with a special emphasis on basic, translational and clinical research into stem cell therapeutics and regenerative therapies, including animal models and clinical trials. The journal also provides reviews, commentaries, reports and methods.

Topics covered include, but are not limited to: 

  • Adult stem cells
  • Animal models
  • Biophysics and mechanobiology
  • Cancer stem cells
  • Cell culture and manufacture
  • Clinical studies
  • Disease modeling and drug screening
  • Embryonic stem cells
  • Ethical, legal and social aspects
  • Genetics and epigenetics
  • Genomics/proteomics/metabolomics
  • Germ cells
  • Immunology
  • Induced pluripotent stem cells
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Stem cell differentiation, proliferation and migration
  • Stem cell therapy/transplantation
  • Technologies
  • Tissue engineering and biomaterials

Announcing the launch of In Review

Stem Cell Research & Therapy, in partnership with Research Square, is now offering In Review. Authors choosing this free optional service will be able to:

  • Share their work with fellow researchers to read, comment on, and cite even before publication
  • Showcase their work to funders and others with a citable DOI while it is still under review
  • Track their manuscript - including seeing when reviewers are invited, and when reports are received 

Editors' quotes

"Stem cells have enormous potential for alleviating suffering for many diseases which currently have no effective therapy. The field has progressed to the clinic and it is important that this pathway is underpinned by excellent science and rigorous standards of clinical research. The journal provides an important avenue of publication in translational aspects of stem cell therapy spanning preclinical studies, clinical research and commercialization."

Timothy O'Brien, Editor-in-Chief, Stem Cell Research & Therapy

"The study of stem cells is one of the most exciting areas of contemporary biomedical research. We believe that Stem Cell Research & Therapy will act as a highly active forum for both basic and translational research into stem cell biology and therapies. Specifically, by developing this forum for cutting edge research, we hope that Stem Cell Research & Therapy will play a significant role in bringing together the critical information to synergize stem cell science with stem cell therapies."

Rocky S Tuan, Editor-in-Chief, Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 7.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 7.9
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.277
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.798

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 34
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 211

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 3,320,811
    Altmetric mentions: 1,402