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Table 2 Inflammatory cytokines in lungs of rats after surgery (mean ± SD, n = 5)

From: Transplantation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuates pulmonary fibrosis of silicosis via anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptosis effects in rats


TNF-α (pg/ml)

IL-1β (pg/ml)

IL-6 (pg/ml)

IL-10 (pg/ml)

Control group

31.95 ± 8.06

443.18 ± 376.22

153.00 ± 106.11

165.63 ± 32.09

Exposure group

108.44 ± 16.90a

1355.97 ± 397.43a

521.30 ± 193.05a

334.45 ± 77.70a

Vehicle group

108.41 ± 15.10a

1600.92 ± 234.88a

569.65 ± 126.07a

389.74 ± 53.36a

Treatment group

43.07 ± 8.33b,c

1018.24 ± 102.88a,c

164.81 ± 51.66b,c

180.81 ± 38.44b,c

  1. IL interleukin, TNF tumor necrosis factor
  2. ap < 0.05, vs control group
  3. bp < 0.05, vs exposure group
  4. cp < 0.05, vs vehicle group