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Table 1 Published Clinical Trials

From: Adipose-derived stem cells for treatment of chronic ulcers: current status

Author, year, and country


Cause of ulcers


Randomization and blinding

Type of ADSC

Application method

Primary endpoint



Han et al. [28], 2010,


The treatment of diabetic foot ulcers with uncultured, processed lipoaspirate cells: a pilot study

Peripheral artery disease (diabetes 100%)

28 cases

26 controls

Total 54

Yes, open label

Adipose-derived stem cell (ADSC) pellet isolated using collagenase and centrifugation.

Donor site: abdomen

4.0 × 106 to 8.0 × 106 cells

Same-day procedure. Dispersed onto the wound and sealed with fibrinogen, thrombin, and Tegaderm

Wound closure rate

2 months

100% of wounds healed in 8 weeks in the case group, 62% in the control group.

No adverse events

Lee et al. [29], 2012,


Safety and effect of adipose tissue-derived stem cell

implantation in patients with critical limb ischemia: a pilot study

Peripheral artery disease.

Thromboangiitis obliterans (80%) and diabetes (20%). 80% with chronic wounds

15 cases

0 controls

Total 15

No, open label

Digested using collagenase and centrifugation. Cultured.

Donor site: abdomen

3.0 × 108 cells.

60 intramuscular injections under spinal anesthesia. Time from harvest to injection not mentioned in study

Absence of adverse events. Formation of collateral networks. Secondary endpoint: pain, amputation, healing of wounds

6 months

Chronic wounds healed in 66.7% of patients. At 6 months, improvement in pain rating and in claudication walking distance. Five patients required minor amputation during follow-up, and all amputation sites healed completely.

No adverse events

Marino et al. [30], 2013 Italy

Therapy with autologous adipose-derived regenerative cells for the care of chronic ulcer of lower limbs in patients with peripheral arterial disease

Peripheral artery disease

10 cases

10 controls

Total 20

No, open label

Freshly isolated using Celution® 800/CRS.

Donor site: abdomen/inner thigh.

260 g lipoaspirate

1.5 × 106 cells

Same-day procedure. 5 mL injected in 1 cm deep injections around the ulcer under peripheral block of the sciatic nerve using a 10-mL syringe and 21-gauge needle

Complete healing of the ulcer

3 months

Reduction in size, depth, and pain of all cases compared with controls. 6 of 10 cases had total healing, none in control group.

No adverse events

Bura et al. [31], 2014


Phase I trial: the use of autologous cultured adipose-derived stroma/stem cells to treat patients with non-revascularizable critical limb ischemia

Peripheral artery disease

7 cases

0 controls

Total 7

No, open label

Isolated using collagenase, centrifugation and then cultured.

Donor site: abdomen.

(30 g) 60 mL lipoaspirate 108 cells

14 days after liposuction. 26 mL injected in 30 intramuscular injections (15 in each muscle) into the internal and external gastrocnemius and anterior compartment of the ischemic leg using a 23-gauge needle

Improvement of wound healing

6 months

Ulcer size, ulcer number, and pain reduced. Improved transcutaneous saturation.

No adverse events

Raposio et al. [32], 2016


Adipose-derived stem cells added to platelet-rich plasma for chronic skin ulcer therapy

Venous (45%), ischemic (42%), diabetic (10%) and post-traumatic (3%)

16 cases

24 controls

Total 40

Yes, open label

e-PRP from 42 cm3 of peripheral blood combined with ADSC from 80 mL of abdominal fat vibrated at 600 vibrations/min for 6 min and centrifuged at 52 g for 6 min.

5 × 105 cells

Same-day procedure.

5 mL injected in multiple injections around and under the ulcer using a 10-mL syringe

Wound closure rate

18 months

Similar healing rates. Wound closure rates higher in case group.

No adverse events

Carstens et al. [33], 2017,


Non-reconstructable peripheral vascular disease of the lower extremity in ten patients treated with adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells

Peripheral artery disease (3 diabetes, 4 atherosclerosis, and 3 both)

10 cases

0 controls

Total 10

No, open label

Fresh, non-fractioned, non-cultured. Enzymatic congestion using collagenase and centrifugation.

Donor site: abdomen 250–350 cm3 fat.

19.1 to 157.8 × 106 cells

3–4 mL administered using a 26-gauge needle into the plane between the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in a pattern of injections (22 per muscle, 11 in the external and 11 in the internal gastrocnemius, each one 1.5 cm to 2 cm apart) of equal volume each (0.5 ml), on either side of the midline

Wound closure rate, pain

18 months

4 of 6 wounds closed within 9 months, one patient had a healing wound when she died at 4 months and 1 patient had a skin graft to close the wound at 5 months. Reduced pain in all patients.

No adverse events

Chopinaud et al. [34], 2017


Autologous adipose tissue graft to treat hypertensive leg ulcer: a pilot study


10 cases

0 controls

Total 10

No, open label

LipoStructure®. Freshly purified fat using centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 3 min.

Same-day procedure. Multiple injections around and under the ulcer with 0.8-mm cannula

Wound closure rate

6 months

73.2% median closure rate at 3 months, 93.1% at 6 months. Reduced fibrin, necrosis and pain. Increased granulation. No adverse events

Konstantinow et al. [35], 2017


Therapy of ulcus cruris of venous and mixed venous arterial origin with autologous, adult, native progenitor cells from subcutaneous adipose tissue: a prospective clinical pilot study

Arterial-venous (9 patients), venous (7 patients).

6 patients with diabetes

16 cases

0 controls

Total 16

No, open label

The Transpose RT™ Processing Unit (TPU) (InGeneron Inc., Houston, TX, USA) 30 mL lipoaspirate.

Donor site: abdomen.

9–15 × 106 cells

Same-day procedure.

4 ml injected 5 to 10 mm deep into the central and bordering ulcer area using a 1-mL Luer-Lock syringe and a 24-gauge needle. Additionally, 2.5 mL applied on a collagen sponge onto the wound

Wound closure rate, pain

6 months

All venous patients and four of nine arterial-venous patients had 100% wound closure within 9–26 weeks.

Reduced wound pain in all patients within days of treatment.

No adverse events

Darinskas et al. [36], 2017


Stromal vascular fraction cells for the treatment of critical limb ischemia: a pilot study

Peripheral artery disease

(7 patients with ulcers)

(9 patients with diabetes)

15 cases

0 controls

Total 15

No, open label

Uncultured ADSC isolated without collagenase using mechanical isolation (the fat minced using a metal mill and subsequent centrifugation) 40 mL lipoaspirate

Donor site: abdomen

One or two 20-mL syringes with minimum of 20 million viable cells per syringe and a minimum of 30 injections per syringe. Intramuscular injections along the arteries.

Secondary injections were performed 2 months after first application of cells

Wound closure rate, pain

12 months

All ulcers healed. Two patients had amputations.

Reduced pain in all patients.

86.7% with improvement in walking distance.

No adverse events