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Fig. 3 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: Mesenchymal stem cells transplanted into spinal cord injury adopt immune cell-like characteristics

Fig. 3

Expression of MHC-I/II in transplanted MSCs. a Experimental design. Transplanted MSCs were evaluated 7 days following transplantation. b Gate statistics for co-expression of mCherry and MHC-I/II. Mean is the center of the circle, and the diameter represents a 95% confidence interval. Each dot represents one biological replicate. Values are p values following a multiple group comparison test. c Representative bivariate plots for co-expression of MHC-I and mCherry in MSCs. d Log2(counts per million) for MHC-I gene following global transcriptional analysis of MSCs. Dots represent biological replicates. Mean is surrounded by a 95% confidence interval. Log2(fold change) and the FDR for contrasts: MSC[SCI] vs MSC[In vitro] and MSC[Naive] vs MSC[In vitro] are presented. e Representative bivariate plots for co-expression of MHC-II and mCherry in MSCs. f Gene expression of MHC-II presented as in d. g Surface expression of MHC-II in transplanted MSCs evaluated using immunohistochemistry. Orthogonal projections presented for each channel and the merged image. Scale bar represents 20 μm. h Estimation of the percentage of mCherry+MHC-II+MSCs as compared to all mCherry+MSCs in spinal cords subjected to transplantation. Dots represent biological replicates. Mean is surrounded by a 95% confidence interval. ns not significant

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