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Table 7 Physicochemical properties of PBMCsec 1 and 2 after 3 months of storage at various temperatures

From: Reproducibility of GMP-compliant production of therapeutic stressed peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived secretomes, a novel class of biological medicinal products


− 20 °C

+ 5 °C

+ 25 °C

+ 40 °C

Appearance of lyophilisate

White, no color deviations or discolorations, amorphous, homogenous

White, no color deviations or discolorations, amorphous, homogenous

White, no color deviations or discolorations, amorphous, homogenous

Orange, stained in different shades of orange, several small red spots, amorphous, not homogenous

Dissolution time

53.5 ± 1.5 s

50 ± 5 s

51 ± 8 s

Could not be completely dissolved within 15 min

Color of reconstituted solution

Equivalent to reference solution GY5

Equivalent to reference solution GY5

Equivalent to reference solution GY5

Not equivalent to any of the reference solutions GY1–GY7, color was estimated to be in the range of dark orange

Clarity and degree of opalescence

Clear, equivalent to reference suspension 1 (3 NTU)

Clear, equivalent to reference suspension 1 (3 NTU)

Clear, less than reference suspension 1 (3 NTU)

Between reference suspension 2 (6 NTU) and reference suspension 4 (30 NTU)

Water content

2.65 ± 0.15%

3.1 ± 0.1%

3.7 ± 0.2%

6.15 ± 0.25%(1)


8.01 ± 0.51

8.7 ± 0

8.85 ± 0.05

7.95 ± 0.55(1)


1.4 ± 0 osmol/kg

1.4 ± 0 osmol/kg

1.4 ± 0 osmol/kg

1.3 ± 0 osmol/kg(1)

Visible particles

0 against white background, 0 against black background

0 against white background, 0 against black background

0 against white background, 0 against black background

Visible particles could not be evaluated due to large residues of undissolved sample material

  1. (1)As the samples could not be dissolved completely, the validity of these results is compromised