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Fig. 2 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 2

From: Dose-effect relationship and molecular mechanism by which BMSC-derived exosomes promote peripheral nerve regeneration after crush injury

Fig. 2

EXOs were ingested by cultured DRG neurons and glial cells in vitro and in vivo. a–d EXOs were ingested by cultured DRG neurons and glial cells after coincubation of DRG neurons (red) and EXOs labeled with PKH67 (green). a β-Tubulin III-labeled neurons. b The PKH67 marker is shown in cultured cells. c a and b merged. d By laser confocal microscopy, the open field shows that the cultured DRG cells were labeled with PKH67. e In cultured DRG cells, some of the EXOs labeled with PKH67 can be seen in the nucleus. f–h Five days after EXOs were injected into the gastrocnemius muscle, they entered DRG neuronal cell bodies and glial cells. f PKH67-labeled cells were visible in the ipsilateral DRG, and the PKH67 marker was present in the neuron cell body in an open field (arrow). g, h An open field under laser confocal microscopy showed the ipsilateral (g) and contralateral (h) DRG (without DAPI). Stars indicate PKF67-positive neurons in the DRG. i Five days after injection, the bilateral DRG PKH67-positive cell ratio (%) was statistically analyzed, and double asterisks indicate significant differences between the two sides (p < 0.01). Scale bar = 40 μm in a, b, and c and 10 μm in d–h. Images at × 40 magnification (objective) and aperture = 225 μm in d–h

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