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Table 1 Classification of IUA

From: Stem cell-based therapy for ameliorating intrauterine adhesion and endometrium injury


Summary of classification


Toaff and Ballas

Split into four grades according to the lesion location and size


March et al.

Classified as minimal, moderate, or severe based on the degree of uterine cavity involvement by HSG


American fertility society

Complex scoring system of mild, moderate, or severe IUAs based on the extent of cavity obliteration, type of adhesion, and menstrual pattern according to hysteroscopic or HSG assessment


Valle and Sciarra

Adhesions classified as mild, moderate, or severe according to the extent of uterine cavity occlusion (partial or total) and the type of adhesions by HSG


Nasr et al.

Creates a prognostic score by menstrual patterns, reproductive performance and hysteroscopy as parameters
