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Table 3 Characteristics of GVHD patients who are more suitable for MSC therapy

From: Current status of clinical trials assessing mesenchymal stem cell therapy for graft versus host disease: a systematic review




Younger than 10 years

GVHD gravity

Skin, but not liver involvement

Degree of tissue damage

Lower levels of TNFRI, IL–2Rα, elafin, CK18, and ST2

Immune tolerance state

Higher proportion of naïve T, B cells and imDCs;

Better thymic function;

Lower levels of pro-inflammatory chemokines, such as CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL2, and CCL2


Preferably before SR occurs

MSCs donor selection

Poor preventive effect of senescent MSCs

Times of MSC administered

Multiple infusions are beneficial to maintain efficacy