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Fig. 5 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 5

From: KAP1 phosphorylation promotes the survival of neural stem cells after ischemia/reperfusion by maintaining the stability of PCNA

Fig. 5

Effects of p-KAP1 on the binding of KAP1 to PCNA, PCNA to CUL4A in C17.2-NSCs after OGD/R. A Protein docking of KAP1(Green) and PCNA(Red). B Potential binding sites between KAP1 and PCNA. C Confocal immunofluorescence staining revealed the coexistence of KAP1 and PCNA in the cellular nucleus. Scale bar = 2 μm. D, E Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting (IP–IB) were performed to confirm the association of KAP1 with PCNA in C17.2-NSCs subjected to 6 h of oxygen and glucose deprivation followed by 24 h of reoxygenation. F Site-mutant plasmids were transiently transinfected into C17.2-NSCs subjected to OGD/R, or no treatment, and the binding of KAP1 to PCNA was examined by IP–IB. G The binding of CUL4A to PCNA was investigated by IP–IB. The relative bands were selected from three independent experiments

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