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Fig. 8 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 8

From: Cyst stem cell lineage eIF5 non-autonomously prevents testicular germ cell tumor formation via eIF1A/eIF2γ-mediated pre-initiation complex

Fig. 8

Schematic diagram of the pre-initiation complex in the male stem cell niche. This study provided a model for the formation of TGCTs via the pre-initiation complex in testes. In the male stem cell niche of Drosophila testes, the pre-initiation complex in the CySC lineage mediated normal cyst cell and germ cell differentiation via multiple metabolic processes. However, CySCs lacking eIF5, eIF1A, or eIF2γ, which destroyed the assembly of the pre-initiation complex, had abnormal metabolism (e.g., oxidation–reduction process, cofactor metabolic process, glutathione metabolic process, and glucose metabolic process), leading to cyst cell differentiation defects and the accumulation of GSC-like masses

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