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Table 3 Pre-clinical studies of Muse cells on stroke

From: Muse cells: ushering in a new era of stem cell-based therapy for stroke


Model type

Cell type

Transplantation time/method/region/ dose

Main results


SCID mouse


Human BM-MSCs derived Muse cells

7 days after injury onset; stereotaxical injection to ipsilateral striatum; 2.5 × 104

Migrate and survive in the damaged site; differentiate to neurons; function recovery and tissue regeneration




NHDFs-derived Muse cells

2 days after injury onset; stereotaxical injection to ischaemic cortex; 3 × 104

Survive up to 84 days; integrate into sensory-motor cortex; differentiate to neurons in cortex


SCID mouse

lacunar infarction

Human BM-MSCs derived Muse cells

2 weeks after injury onset; stereotaxical injection to perilesion site;

1 × 105

Integrate into host brain; facilitate pyramidal tract reconstruction; differentiate to neurons; improve behaviour score; without tumour formation by 6 months


SCID mouse

lacunar infarction


9 days or 30 days after injury onset; cervical vein injection; 5 × 104/1 × 104/5 × 103

Survive in host brain for at least 22 weeks; without tumorigenesis; differentiate to neurons; behaviour improvement


SCID mouse


Human BM-MSCs derived Muse cells

5 days after injury onset; stereotaxical injection to hematoma cavity; 2 × 105

Improve motor function recovery; differentiate to neurons; much higher survival rate of Muse cells compared with non-Muse cells
