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Table 3 The intervention and outcomes of six clinical trails

From: Mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for perianal fistulas: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials

Clinical trial no.

Cell type and source


Experimental group (fixed cell dose)

Control group



ASCs autologous

First: 2 × 107 + fibrin glue

First: fibrin glue

Second: double dose

Second: double dose


ASCs autologous

First: 2 × 107, 2 × 107 + fibrin glue

First: fibrin glue

Second: double dose

Second: double dose


BSCs allogenic

Group 1: 1 × 107

Saline solution (2.5–5 ml)

Group 2: 3 × 107

Group 3: 9 × 107


ASCs allogenic

12 × 107

Saline solution: 24 ml


ASCs autologous

First: 10 × 107 + fibrin glue

First: Fibrin glue (2–5 ml)

Second: 10 × 107 + fibrin glue

Second: Fibrin glue (2–5 ml)


ASCs autologous

(142.3 ± 45.7) × 106


Outcome assessment

Results (healed)

 ≤ 3 months

 > 3 months, ≤ 6 months

1 year (48 ~ 52 weeks)

 > 1 year


Reepithelialisation; Reepithelialisation + MRI

17/24 vs. 3/25


15/24 vs. 3/25

7/21 vs. 2/13

Reepithelialisation + MRI

17/64, 23/60 vs. 9/59

25/64, 26/60 vs. 22/59

24/42, 22/42 vs. 19/51


Reepithelialisation + MRI

2/5, 4/5, 1/5 vs. 2/6

4/5, 4/5, 1/5 vs. 2/6


3/4, 4/4, 1/5 vs. 0/3

Reepithelialisation + MRI


53/103 vs. 36/101

58/103 vs. 39/101

14/25 vs. 6/15

Reepithelialisation + MRI


7/23 vs. 9/21

11/20 vs. 12/19

10/20 vs. 5/19

Reepithelialisation + MRI/ERUS

10/11 vs. 5/11

8/11 vs. 6/11

7/11 vs. 6/11
