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Fig. 5 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 5

From: Menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells: impact of preconditioning on the cargo of extracellular vesicles as potential therapeutics

Fig. 5

Comprehensive analysis of the MenSC-EV associated proteome according to biological function (GO ontology). A functional enrichment analysis was performed with the different DAP datasets to determine the Biological Function (BP) in which proteins were involved using DAVID. Dot-plots represent enriched GO BP terms among DAPs in PI-EVs (A), PHY-EVs (C), and AH-EVs (E) vs. B-EVs comparisons. A color-scale bar represents the level of significance for Benjamini-adjusted p values (blue, highest; red, least). The size of the dots indicates the number of proteins involved in each process. Clustering of the BP was carried out and represented in heatmaps with the most representative enriched terms from each cluster for the PI-EVs (B), PHY-EVs (D), and AH-EVs (F) vs. B-EVs comparisons. A protein score was calculated considering all proteins annotated within each category (see further details in Methods Section). The color scale of this score indicates a general up- (red) or down-regulation (green) in the preconditioning vs. basal conditions of these proteins. DAPs, differentially abundant proteins; EVs, extracellular vesicles; MenSCs, menstrual blood-derived stromal cells; B-EVs, EVs released by basal MenSCs; PI-EVs, EVs released by pro-inflammatory primed MenSCs; PHY-EVs, EVs released by physioxia cultured MenSCs; AH-EVs, EVs released by acute hypoxia cultured MenSCs

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