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Fig. 6 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 6

From: Menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells: impact of preconditioning on the cargo of extracellular vesicles as potential therapeutics

Fig. 6

Reactome functional analysis. A pathway enrichment analysis was performed with the DAPs in each priming condition to determine over-represented pathways, using Reactome. A Venn diagram of the common significantly enriched pathways observed between priming conditions. Dot-plots with over-represented Reactome pathways among DAPs in PI-EVs (B), PHY-EVs (C), and AH-EVs (D) vs. B-EVs. (E) Venn diagram of DAPs among different priming conditions annotated in common immune system pathways. Voronoi diagram of the over-represented pathways within the Immune System category (R-HSA:168,256) including the DAPs from PI-EVs, green (F); PHY-EVs, purple (G); AH-EVs, yellow (H) vs. B-EVs comparisons. Dot-plots representing the top-20 significant biological processes. A color-scale bar represents the level of significance for Benjamini-adjusted p values (blue, highest; red, least). The size of the dots indicates the number of proteins involved in each process. In the voronoi diagram, a color-scale indicates the statistical significance, the lighter the more significant. Gray color is used for pathways not represented. DAPs, differentially abundant proteins; EVs, extracellular vesicles; MenSCs, menstrual blood-derived stromal cells; B-EVs, EVs released by basal MenSCs; PI-EVs, EVs released by pro-inflammatory primed MenSCs; PHY-EVs, EVs released by physioxia cultured MenSCs; AH-EVs, EVs released by acute hypoxia cultured MenSCs

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