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Fig. 3 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: Integrated modeling framework reveals co-regulation of transcription factors, miRNAs and lncRNAs on cardiac developmental dynamics

Fig. 3

Target genes co-regulated by cardiac TFs, miRNAs and lncRNAs during hPSC-CM differentiation and maturation. A and B The percentage of the conserved targets of miRNA-TF or lncRNA-TF among all heart targets of hESC-CMs at the early (A) and late (B) stages. The “conserved targets” refer to those that are commonly regulated by at least one (n ≥ 1) or two (n ≥ 2) shared miRNAs or lncRNAs in both hESC-CMs and hiPSC-CMs. C and D The cardiac gene regulatory networks (GRNs) of TF-miRNA-lncRNA at the early (C) and late (D) stages. Oval nodes represent the target genes of TFs and miRNAs or lncRNAs, and are involved in heart development and function (in light red), contraction (in orange), ion transport and handling (in yellow), apoptosis (in gray) and stem cell pluripotency regulators (in light blue). Oval nodes with red and green borders indicate up- and down-regulated genes, respectively. The arrow edges indicate regulatory relationships of TFs and miRNAs or lncRNAs on target genes, and the thick edges indicate conserved regulatory relations detected in both hESC-CMs and hiPSC-CMs

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