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Table 5 HRCT findings of included cases before and after the administration of mesenchymal stem cells

From: Evaluation of safety and efficacy of allogeneic adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in pediatric bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BoS) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT)

Pt. no

HRCT findings (months)


− 2: PM and thin fibrotic bands in LUL

0: PM, PP, and SE (suggestive of cGVHD)

+ 6: Bilateral lung hyperaeration, bronchiectasis, and PT

+ 12: Mild hyperaeration, bronchiectasis, and PT


− 5: PT and bilateral GGOs at the middle and inferior lung portions

+ 5: Mild, central bronchiectasis


0: Moderate and diffuse bronchiectasis and lung hyperaeration

+ 4: Mild, bilateral bronchiectasis and lung hyperaeration, mild PM, PP, and SE, and a thin-walled cavity at the upper pole of RLL; 2 and 4 weeks later, progression of PM, PP, and SE was noted (possibly due to underlying COVID-19)

+ 18: Same, without obvious progression or resolution of abnormalities


− 3: Bilateral PT and hyperaeration, with minimal MA (in favor of bronchitis)

0: Diffuse bilateral MA with UL predilection, in favor of cGVHD

+ 1: MA and patchy GGOs in both lungs, diffuse PT, and mild bronchiectasis, probably due to COVID-19; subsequent images taken 2 weeks later showed mild bronchiectatic changes in both LLs

+ 4: Diffuse hyperaeration, MA, bronchiectasis, bronchial thickening, mucus plugs, and GGOs in both ULs

+ 6: LL dominant bronchiectatic changes and MA* in both lungs, mucus plaque formation, and an 11 × 11 mm pneumatocele in RUL with thin adjacent fibrotic bands (all in favor of cGVHD)

+ 12: Bronchiectatic changes, bronchial wall thickening, scattered centriacinar nodules, and MA* in both lungs

+ 20: Cylindrical bronchiectasis in both LLs with some bronchoceles and MA in both lungs

  1. cGVHD chronic graft-versus-host disease, GGO ground glass opacity, HRCT high-resolution computed tomography, LL lower lobe, LUL left upper lobe, MA mosaic attenuation, PM pneumomediastinum, PP pneumopericardium, PT peribronchial thickening, RLL right lower lobe, RUL right upper lobe, SE subcutaneous emphysema, UL upper lobe
  2. *In favor of small airway disease