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Fig. 1 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 1

From: Bone marrow from periacetabular osteotomies as a novel source for human mesenchymal stromal cells

Fig. 1

Isolation of BM-MNCs and subsequent isolation of BM-MSCs is possible using bone harvested during PAO. A Representative bone sample harvested during THA, a representative bone wedge harvested during PAO. B Representative hematoxylin and eosin staining of cancellous bone obtained during PAO and THA. C Age of enrolled patients. D Weight of harvested bone marrow. E Number of BM-MNCs isolated normalized to bone marrow weight. F MSC marker expression analyses of BM-MNCs. G Representative bright filed images of colony-forming units positive for alkaline phosphatase (left) and numbers of counted colonies (right). H Absolute numbers of isolated BM-MSCs after cell culture passage 1 (P1) and cell culture passage 2 (P2). I Phase contrast microscopic images of BM-MSCs on day 14 of primary cell culture. J MSC marker expression analyses of isolated BM-MSCs. K BM-MSC number relative to the number of BM-MNCs seeded after cell culture passage 1 and cell culture passage 2. L Weight corrected BM-MSC yield after cell culture passage 1 and cell culture passage 2 [normally distributed data: mean ± SD; non-normally distributed data: median with IQR; levels of significance: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001]

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