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Fig. 7 | Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Fig. 7

From: Impact of tissue factor expression and administration routes on thrombosis development induced by mesenchymal stem/stromal cell infusions: re-evaluating the dogma

Fig. 7

Coagulation induced by UC-MSCs upon administration in patients. a Patients were infused twice with UC-MSCs via intravenous or intrathecal routes. The fibrinogen concentration in blood was recorded at baseline and 24 and 48 h after the intervention. The fibrinogen level was comparable between the different analyzed time points. b D-dimer increased after 24 h and decreased again after 48 h in patients with systemic cell administration, while no significant change was observed in the intrathecal group. c Patients were classified into two groups with normal (< 500 ng/ml) and elevated D-dimer levels (≥ 500 ng/ml). Compared to the baseline, the numbers of intravenously injected patients with elevated D-dimer increased at 24 h and decreased again at 48 h after the first cell infusion, but this effect was not observed at the second cell infusion after 3 months. In the intrathecal group, the proportion of patients with elevated D-dimer remained comparable or even lower after both cell infusions. d–f There were no significant changes in aPPTs (d), PTs (e), or TTs (f) between the analyzed time points. g, h Patients receiving intravenous UC-MSCs were classified according to their background, including stroke and frailty syndromes. The fibrinogen (g) and D-dimer (h) concentrations of both groups showed similar tendencies

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