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Table 1 Main blood serum biochemical indicators

From: Sera of overweight people promote in vitro adipocyte differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells

Patient parameters

Healthy weight


BMI (Kg/m2)

21.10 ±1.10

29.63 ± 1.80*

Glucose (mmol/l)

88.8 ± 5.22

90.63 ± 8.94

Total cholesterol (mmol/l)

205.6 ± 26.18

203.5 ± 42.37

LDL cholesterol (mmol/l)

124.8 ± 24.10

131.6 ± 41.27

HDL cholesterol (mmol/l)

65.6 ± 15.14

56.4 ± 8.52

Triglycerides (mmol/l)

77.2 ± 30.43

100.1 ± 46.42

  1. Patients were divided into two groups of healthy weight (n = 5) and overweight (n = 8) individuals, that showed significant differences (P <0.05) in BMI. Other parameters did not present statistically significant differences and were in the normal value range for both groups. Data are expressed as mean values with standard deviations (*P <0.05). BMI, body mass index; HDL, high density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein.