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Correction: The angiogenic properties of human amniotic membrane stem cells are enhanced in gestational diabetes and associate with fetal adiposity

The Original Article was published on 20 December 2021

Correction to: Stem Cell Research & Therapy

In the original article, the authors identified two editing errors:

1. In the Methods section, concretely in the Study population subsection, a typing error was made, since it states that twenty-seven women were included in the study (14 with GDM and 14 with NGT), but indeed there are twenty-eight women.

2. In Table 1, the glycemia values are expressed in mmol/L but by error the units reflected in the table are mg/dL. The correct Table 1 has been provided here and the authors apologize for the inconveniences caused.

Table 1 Clinical and analytical characteristics of the cohort

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Correspondence to Ana Megía or Sonia Fernández-Veledo.

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Klid, S., Algaba-Chueca, F., Maymó-Masip, E. et al. Correction: The angiogenic properties of human amniotic membrane stem cells are enhanced in gestational diabetes and associate with fetal adiposity. Stem Cell Res Ther 14, 182 (2023).

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